This 1 Question That Will Jumpstart Your eCourse Writing Process…

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Writing your very first eCourse can be daunting. Okay, who am I kidding? It’s downright terrifying!

Once you’ve decided on the topic, the next thing you need to do is to start creating content but when you start to think about putting words on paper, all you have in your mind are questions.

Questions that fill you with self-doubt and fear. Questions like:

Who am I to teach this course?

I have all this information swirling in my head. Where the heck do I start?

How can I write an eCourse? I’m not a writer!

What should I name this course?

How much content is enough and how much is not enough…or too much?

And on and on it goes.

If these questions feel familiar, then you’re probably feeling a little anxious right now. So, take a deep breath in…and let it all out.

Okay, now that you’ve cleared your mind a little, let me tell you something that’s going to help you jumpstart your eCourse writing process.

I strongly suggest that you go old school. Pull out a notebook or a sheet of paper and write this question:

What is the ONE change that my learner will experience when she completes my course?

That’s it.

That’s the first and only question you need to tackle.

Take an hour, a day or up to a week to write the answer (if you allow yourself more than a week, you’re likely to procrastinate writing your course!). Write as much as you want.

If you prefer, list out short sentences in bullet point format. Talk to your clients and ask them what they want to learn from this course that’s currently living in your mind. Ask people in your Facebook group and if you don’t have a group, ask people in FB groups you belong to.

Do whatever it takes to get to the heart of what you want your learner to walk away with.

This question seems deceptively simple but if you really want to get your brain moving and get started on the process of writing your course, this is the most important question to ask yourself.

The answer to this question will set the direction of your entire course. The answer to this question acts like a beacon or a lighthouse as you navigate the (sometimes) stormy seas of course creation.


Because every time you wonder if you should include specific content or if you’re giving your potential learners too much information, you just need to look at the answer to this question and check if you’re on track.

Let’s say your course is about self-love. The answer to What is the one change that my learner will experience when she completes my course? might sound like this: My learner will know how to show herself kindness and compassion and to love who she is no matter what else is going on in her life.

So when you begin writing your course, all your content needs to point to that one answer.

Let’s say you’re wondering if you should leave out a specific bit of information. Look at the answer to the question and ask yourself this: “if I leave this bit of information out, will it get in the way of my learner experiencing the one change that my course will give her?”

If you’re wondering if your content is sparse and you haven’t included enough, do the same thing.

With this one question you’ll tackle the key pillars that will hold up your course and make it a good one… a great one!

But most importantly, with this one question, you’ll start to writing your eCourse.